Maintenance Services & Speciality Supplies

Almost 70 percent of plant equipment failures stem from improper installation, lack of maintenance or incorrect start-up and shutdown procedures. When equipment fails, the biggest cost is time —production time and maintenance staff time. Add to that the price of repairing or replacing components more often than planned, and the total cost of ownership soars. 

To reduce unplanned maintenance and avoid unnecessary replacement costs, HRA Maintenance and Repair Services oversees critical systems checks and plant equipment maintenance, as well as engineered component repair, removal and re-installation services. Assistance can be provided during unplanned shutdowns to get equipment back up and running quickly, or during planned maintenance to optimize your process and achieve your shutdown window.

Speciality Supplies

On top of keeping all your eqiupment operating at full efficiency we at Henry R.Ayton offer a wide range of specialty supplies and refurbishment services. We have you covered when it comes to everything engineering such as: 

Mechanical seal supply and mechanical seal refurbishment

Lapping Services Ireland

Pump supply and Pump refurbishment

Cartidge Seal refurbishment

Valve supply and Valve refurbishment

PPE and Workwear

Pressure Gauge and Pressure Transmitter

Chain & Gearboxes

Inflatable Seals

Antivibration products

Hygenic Pumps


These are just a few of the many services we can supply, with all parts coming from effcient and reliable suppliers such as Pentair Sudmo, Wika, Renold, Moldex, Circor, Klinger and more!




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+44(0)28 90 618511